Traffic Fines FAQ
Yes, the City of Mandeville accepts Visa, MasterCard, & Discover. There will be a 2.49% convenience fee added to the ticket amount
Your fine may be paid with a personal check or money order made payable to The City of Mandeville by mail or in person at Mandeville City Hall. Credit Card Payments may be made in person or online and will include an additional 2.49% convenience fee. Cash Payments must be made in person on weekdays, except holidays, between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:30 PM at:
Mandeville City Hall
3101 East Causeway Approach
Mandeville, LA 70448
Checks or money orders may be mailed to the City of Mandeville. Please enclose the hard copy of your summons with your payment. If paying by check or money order, please include your name, address, ticket number and daytime telephone number.
Please mail your payment to the address above or place payment in Water Bill Drop Box located on the North side of Mandeville City Hall.
In order to contest your summons or charges you must appear in Mandeville Mayor's Court on your Court appearance date noted either on the front of your summons or, if arrested, on the date noted on your subpoena
All payments must be received by the City of Mandeville prior to or on the Court appearance date noted on the front of your summons.
You may call the Clerk of Court at (985) 626-3144 weekdays, except holidays, between 8:30am and 4:30pm.
Contact Information
Main Office
1870 Hwy 190
Mandeville, LA 70448
Non-Emergency Phone
Emergency Phone
Dial 911
Chief Todd Schliem
Assistant Chief David Greenwood
Captain Kal Miazza
Captain Kevin Covert
Officer Eddie Vanison
Community Relations &
Public Information Officer