National Night Out Against Crime


Please mark your calendar and join us on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, as the Mandeville
Police Department, in connection with The Greater Mandeville Police Foundation, will
host our annual National Night Out Against Crime event! National Night Out Against
Crime began in 1984 and is designed to: (1) heighten crime prevention awareness; (2)
generate support for, and participation in, local anti- crime efforts: (3) strengthen
community spirit and police-community partnerships.

We host the event annually at the Mandeville Trailhead 5:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. to include
free food, drinks, games, face-painting, live entertainment, and informational booths for
public safety and public health agencies. This will be a fun-filled, family-friendly night
with activities for children of all ages. It is an opportunity for citizens, our business
partners, and our police department to engage, get better acquainted and share our
common bonds. In today's environment, cooperative efforts are necessary for a safe

We are asking our generous community partners to help us make this night possible
with a donation or sponsorship. We are in need of food vendors and monetary
donations. The Greater Mandeville Police Foundation is a 501 c (3) and your
contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by tax law.

All donations and sponsorship packets need to be turned in no later than Wednesday
September 18, 2024.

National Night Out Against Crime Packet

All checks should be made payable to The Greater Mandeville
Police Foundation, please reference Night Out Against Crime in the memo section of
the check. Payments, along with the completed packets, can be mailed to Officer Eddie
Vanison at the address listed below.

Again, thank you for your support. We could not host this community-building event
without YOU!


Officer Eddie Vanison
1870 U.S. Highway 190
Mandeville, Louisiana 70448
Desk: 985-624-7563
Cell: 985-718-2971
Fax: 985-624-3125